About PDP


PDP is the leading supplier of compliance services to public, private and third sector organisations, providing its customers with high quality services in the following principal areas:


PDP Training

PDP Training

PDP Training, the leading provider of professional training courses in information management and compliance, provides public and in-house practical training courses at locations in the UK and Western Europe. PDP provides training for the Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection and the Practitioner Certificate in Freedom of Information.


PDP Conferences

PDP Conferences

PDP Conferences hosts professional compliance conferences. Each conference is carefully designed to bring practitioners the most up-to-date information and guidance in vital areas of information compliance. Our two-day events feature invaluable Workshops on the second day, allowing delegates to explore subjects in depth and in discussion with others.


PDP Journals

PDP Journals

PDP Journals publishes the periodicals Privacy & Data Protection, Compliance & Risk and Freedom of Information, each containing practical articles and invaluable advice and guidance for practitioners. Subscribers include FTSE 100 companies, global multi-nationals, Government entities, Quangos, Local Authorities, Police Authorities, Health Bodies, Educational Institutions, Charities and large and global Law Firms.


PDP Recruitment

PDP Recruitment

PDP Recruitment provides recruitment and search services in the fields of Compliance & Risk, Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Records Management. We also provide a popular and cost-effective job advertisement service in our weekly email newsletters.


The PDP brand stands for value for money, quality and professionalism. The Founder of the PDP Group is Peter Carey